The NYCLU summary data includes Total Stop & Frisks along with values for Blacks, Latinos and Whites stopped and frisked each year. "Other Race" is a remainder calculated as:
Other = Total - Blacks - Latinos - Whites
The full data set for 2011 includes, the following in the "Other Race" category:
Race Not Recorded: 22,607
Asian/Pacific Islander: 23,932
American Indian/Native Alaskan: 2,897
The total is: 49,436
Which equals exactly the value calculated as "Other Race" above.
Please take note that almost 46% of those in the "Other Race" category are suspect's whose race was not recorded by the NYPD. Please also note that the categories of "Asian/Pacific Islander" and "American Indian/Native Alaskan" are the category names used by the NYPD.
Not surprisingly, this mixed group has the lowest correlation to "Not Innocent" results (57.2%) and the change in numbers for this mixed group has a mildly negative correlation (-6.19%) to the change in numbers of "Not Innocent" (ΔO% to Δ!I%).
This chart shows that the NYPD has been ignoring this group over the last 10 years.
Other = Total - Blacks - Latinos - Whites
The full data set for 2011 includes, the following in the "Other Race" category:
Race Not Recorded: 22,607
Asian/Pacific Islander: 23,932
American Indian/Native Alaskan: 2,897
The total is: 49,436
Which equals exactly the value calculated as "Other Race" above.
Please take note that almost 46% of those in the "Other Race" category are suspect's whose race was not recorded by the NYPD. Please also note that the categories of "Asian/Pacific Islander" and "American Indian/Native Alaskan" are the category names used by the NYPD.
Not surprisingly, this mixed group has the lowest correlation to "Not Innocent" results (57.2%) and the change in numbers for this mixed group has a mildly negative correlation (-6.19%) to the change in numbers of "Not Innocent" (ΔO% to Δ!I%).
This chart shows that the NYPD has been ignoring this group over the last 10 years.